I am Downtown!
Can you hear the click clack of fresh taps on black patent leather Mary Janes?
I walking along downtown sidewalks, right hand in dad's , left hand in mom's
At night the rocks cemented into the ground flick like precious gemstones
I am in awe.
It's a cold brisk evening and I marvel at how they fit neatly into spaces creating a beautiful mosaic. I breathe in crisp air through a crotchet scarf doubled around my neck.
When I exhale I release that captured breath and try to make shapes with my mouth, like rings my uncle makes after smoking his Kool Milds.
Although there are crowds busying the streets and sideways, I know that I am safe.
I skip the lines, and toe tap the ground with a rhythmic tap dance like I'm Gregory Hines.
I am not fazed at all by the whipping and roaring of the Hawk that pushes us forward with each step.
He is losing his battle to vaselined brown legs hidden under thick white tights.
My little body is carried by the melody of the winds and I laugh
I walk fast
I walk slow
I click clack
I toe tap
I am downtown
I am walking the Mile .