It is National Poetry Month so I thought I would post the work of a classical poet layered with biblical text and some Maya.
Let me be clear and transparent I am not a lover nor student of all things canonical/classical poets. I have learned to like, appreciate and study their works. Yes I have read Dickinson, Cummings, Thoreau, Frost and others. HOWEVER , if I am honest my introduction to poetry was Hughes, Clifton, Brooks, Dove, Dunbar, Giovanni and Wheatley just to name a few. Just being truthful so when people ask me have you read ( blank, blank, blank) I usually respond by saying yes or no and but have you read blank, blank, blank?
Anyway I like Hope, I live Hope, I love Hope... THREE texts on HOPE for you
1. Let thy mercy O LORD, be upon us , according as we hope in thee. Psalm 33:22 Hope is an expectation or a choice to wait.
"In Hebrew, “hope” (Yakhal) isn’t just a pie-in-the-sky dream of what may be. It’s about real anticipation for something better, something you truly believe is coming. " Source: https://www.pursuegod.org/yakhal-hope-hebrew-word-studies-7/
2. “Hope” is the thing with feathers
BY EMILY DICKINSON “Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me.
Sit with Dickinson, digest and think about it, is it or is it not connected to the first definition of HOPE
3. Excerpt from Angelou
Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise.
What is this HOPE that Maya speaks of?
4.During our Teacher Talk Time of journaling I asked the question "Does your hope float or is it buried deep ?" Is it hope if it's buried? Answer below in the comment box
THREE texts, one biblical and TWO, pieces of literary arts. If we subscribe to the biblical understanding of hope it means we see it as a waiting with expectation.For believers in Christ hope is connected to a PERSON not a change in circumstance. Hope is relational, it is tied to the only One who was, is and YET to come.In other words, we (hope) in the ONE who has been there.... where we want to go...but have yet to see or experience it. Because the One we believe in does not exist in time as we know it, Christ exists in eternity. For others hope is a desire to wait with positive thinking and trust that time will bring about the change we want to see.